If The Shoe Fits
by Julie Murphy
Rating: 5/5 Genre: Contemporary Romance Steam: Closed Door Publisher: Disney Pub Date: August 3, 2021 Thank you Disney and NetGalley for my Advanced Copy! You're the best! Available: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | BookShop
If The Shoe Fits Synopsis: Cindy is fresh out of fashion school, but without any job offers and her creative bank empty she moves back in with her stepmom and siblings in LA. With her mother’s dating reality tv show needing an additional contestant Cindy steps in, hoping that she can use this opportunity to show off her designs and land a job. But as the franchise’s first plus-size contestant she becomes a sensation overnight. Now she just needs to make it to the end and not lose her heart in the process.
If The Shoe Fits Review:
When I got If The Shoe Fits in April as an eARC (thank you!!!) I was over the moon excited! A plus size princess retelling published through Disney?!? By a queen herself!?!
I loved this book. I think I’ve read it now four times? But I know this is going to be one that I come back to again and again. It is validating and charming in a way that I’ve personally needed. I cried the first time I read it through, like in a good way. Anyway that you look at this book it is incredibly sweet and such a great read.
Cindy is fat. Not a little above the average size like with so many other medias. Nah, she’s fat and she owns it. Cindy makes people use the word fat. She doesn’t apologize for taking up more space. Cindy knows she is just as worthy to be on the dating show as any other contestant. More importantly, she freaking calls out fatphobia throughout this book and honestly that was so freaking refreshing!!
The depiction being fat in society made me feel so seen. I work in the fashion industry and each one of Cindy’s statements about it made me punch the air and go “Yes! That’s so true!”. Everything from wanting good fashion, to shoes, to the accessories statements. 100% true. If you aren’t fat, go ask someone who is on their opinion of shoes and accessories.
The bachelor setting of the book felt good. The women in the show supported each other, but also had that edge of competition. The characters were fleshed out in a way that made them real. I appreciates the well developed characters. There was a lot of diversity within it that developed the story and weren’t just added in a token characters.
Fine tuning the Cinderella story. This book does not follow the typical norm of Cinderella. It’s a warmer retelling. I don’t want to spill any of the details, but it was just so great to not have villainous women throughout the book.
Henry. Oh Henry. You sweet, sweet man. From the meet cute to the end I loved you. You’re funny and caring. I want you in my life. I wish you had been able to have a more involved character arc, but I love you nonetheless. Their romance was sweet, no spice, which was what I had expected from Murphy as she typically writes YA.
I had two small problems one fixable the other not really.
The fixable one was that I wish the characters had been able to develop their relationship more. Cindy and Henry could have easily used more time together to really make you cheer them on. Because as the book stand their relationship felt rushed. And I get it. Bachelor/Bachelorette reality TV settings are that way. So it’s not a big deal breaker for me and the book is left in a way that you’re happy with it and believing in them.
The not fixable problem is that it ended. Why did it have to end? I know why, but my heart would have been so much happier with another 300 pages. Even then I’d probably want 300 more, so not fixable for the book and is something that perhaps I should address internally. Maybe. Julie Murphy, just write me a million more books please and thank you.
Long Story Short
Do I recommend this book? HELL YES. READ THIS BOOK. If you’re plus, definitely read it. I cried the good tears. Thank you, Julie Murphy🥺. I don’t even know how else to explain to you that you need this. It’s adorable and cute and positive and reassuring. Loved it.
If You Like This One…
I would highly recommend checking out Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade (review here). It also features a plus size woman finding love with a famous man. It’s a lot steamier and just hits the spot in a different way while still giving you the happiness.
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